How to Quit Your Job and Make a Living From Podcasting in 18 Months [Case Study]

| | Blog, Podcast,

This week my friend Donald Kelly stopped by the lab to share his incredible story. He went from selling mangos door to door to working full-time as an software sales specialist. Now, you can find him hosting one of the top ranked sales training podcasts. He’s been featured in Huffington Post, Entrepreneur and The South Florida Business Journal for his forwarding thinking insights on sales and leadership. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to make a full-time living from podcasting, this episode is a must!

Listen and Learn:

  • What formats work best for integrating community members into your show
  • Who is Jeffery and why Donald niched up
  • A model for monetizing your show without sponsorship
  • Donald’s free call to tripwire strategy (and why you should use it too)
  • How to drive audience engagement through Twitter
  • Experimenting with LinkedIn and Facebook groups

Quotes from the lab: 

Click-to-Tweet:  – “When you have something you’re thrilled about, people will eventually pay you for it.”-  @DonaldKelly 

Resources and Mentions:

The Sales Evangelist  – Check out Donald’s top ranked sales podcast and The TSE Hustler’s League. 

Free 30 minute callTake massive action and jump on a call with Donald Kelly. 



  • Cool episode with a great guest. I did a pre-interview with him a few months ago, but dropped the ball on it. This episode made me realize I need to revisit that…

    Keep up the good work!

    • Thanks David. You should circle back and get him on RED. Donald is a really awesome guy.