From $7 an Hour to Multi-Million Dollar Real Estate Investor [Case Study]

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Matt Theriault, the king of all things EPIC, joins me in the lab today. Not only does he have an incredible story (can you say former Hip-Hop producer), but Matt single handedly built his multi-million dollar real estate investing empire from podcasting. Looking for a way to get the word out about his self-published book, Matt stumbled upon podcasting, jumped right in and the rest was history. Here’s how he made it happen and why it continues to be a big part of his business. 

Listen and Learn:

  • How Matt went from $100K a year as a hip hop producer to grocery bagger to millionaire investor
  • Why authenticity is the new currency
  • Why you need to be listening to your audience
  • iTunes is all about ________ and _______ within a 24 hour period
  • The “wheel of review strategy”
  • How naming your show with keywords can 10x lead flow

Quotes from the lab: 

Click-to-Tweet: “You have to decide if you want to be a celebrity or drive leads to your business.” – Matt Theriault

Resources and Mentions:

Epic Real Estate – Check out all things from the EPIC empire. 

It’s Not About Radio, It’s About PeopleWhen Matt talked about being authentic, I couldn’t help but think back to my interview last year with Valerie Geller. 

Are you building a podcast for celebrity status or growing your business? What was your biggest takeaway from this interview? Share below in the comments.