How to Boost iTunes Podcast Reviews with a Show Page

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If you haven’t heard already, subs, ratings and reviews are the key to winning the game in iTunes. How may times have you heard a podcast host wrap things up by saying, “go head over to iTunes and leave us a 5 Star review”. Have you ever considered that your listeners may not know how to leave a review?

My grandma may listen to my podcast, but I can assure you she has no idea how to leave an iTunes review. The old adage that people need to be told what to do still rings true. It doesn’t stop there though.

You need to show your audience exactly how to leave a review for your show. And the best way to do this is by creating what I call a show page… what is a show page you ask?

Show page explained in 2 minutes:

A show page is step-by-step instructions on how they leave a review for your show. This can be done by taking a screen shot, video, or info graphic and adding it to a page on your website.

Here’s a example of the one we created for MicScience using Jing:

Screenshot #3

MicScience - review graphic

If you’re still not convinced, check out the $100MBA show page that Nicole and Omar put together. They masterfully tie in the credibility of reviews from major publications and fans.

So, how exactly do you go about creating your show page? First let’s start with some of the tools you’ll need:

  • Jing or screenshot app
  • ScreenFlow or Camtasia
  • YouTube or Vimeo
  • Admin access to your website to create a new page

Step 1. Find your show in iTunes and take these three screen shots

Screenshot #1 

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 3.49.50 PM








Note: Screenshot #1 one has be to taken from iTunes web browser. Just search for your show in Google and look for iTunes web page.  

Screenshot #2 

Screen Shot 2015-09-11 at 3.52.22 PM









Screen shot #3


(See above)


Step 2. Create a new page on your website

MicScience Sub

If you’re on word press, go to the “Pages” section on your admin panel then click “add new”. Here you’ll add your screenshot images and the corresponding steps that you’ll want listeners to take.

Be sure to include a direct link to your iTunes URL. This can be found under the “subscribe” tab in the drop down menu.

Step 3. Create a explainer/walkthrough video

Once you have all your images and corresponding steps on your page with the proper linking, save your page as a draft. Then, go back through each step doing a recorded explainer/walkthrough video.

Add your video to the page, save and voila! You have yourself a show page!! You can see a finished product here and steal the same exact copy.

Was this helpful? Were you to up your podcast show page? Let us know in the comments below.

  • Great write up brother. Honored to be mentioned.

  • You can take this further by ensuring the iTunes URL ends with “?mt=2&ls=1” or else use an iTunes affiliate URL. This will make the URL launch iTunes directly, instead of requiring the user to click from the website to launch iTunes.

    Then, you can take that URL and make your own /itunes URL to make it speakable in your podcast.

    Additionally, a huge way to boost reviews is to recognize those who already wrote reviews—especially reading those reviews in the podcast. You could manually switch iTunes between its 155 countries, or try to get your reviews automatically.

    • Thanks for the tip Daniel. I remember you mentioning this some time ago when I posted the video on FB. I used My Podcast Reviews before for a past client and can vouch that it’s a great way highlight listeners.

  • fowler452356

    So well suggestion to learn how to boost iTunes and i hope most of the people are can do this job now. To enjoy the technology and get best facilities such kind of education is more essential for us.

  • cheeks9875187

    So well suggestion to learn how to boost iTunes and i hope most of the people are can do this job now. To enjoy the technology and get best facilities such kind of education is more essential for us.