The Best Podcast Equipment to Get Started

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Now that you have a plan and strategy in place, it’s time to start move on the very last training in our series. Today we’ll be talking about the best podcast equipment to get started. We’re not talking about building an elaborate studio here. I love Joe Rogan and Dave Ramsey is one hell of a podcasters, but we all have to start somewhere.

This is the quickest, fastest way to get your MVP (minimum viable podcast) out the door and in front of your audience. I’ll only be sharing advice on equipment that I’ve personally owned or used. No fluff, no super technical mumbo jumbo or XZ1000 SuperCaster Blasters, just the fundamentals.

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Listen & Learn:

  • The entry-level standard mic that every podcaster should own
  • Three recording and editing programs for Mac & PC users
  • How to record your online interviews
  • Two must-have accessories for the Pros

Mentions & Resources 

Pod Parrot Equipment GuideFor a more comprehensive list of equipment that we recommend. 

How to Define Your Strategy and Vision – Week 5Digg deeper into the tools and strategy needed for hitting your goals. 

How to Craft the Perfect Podcast Message – Week 4WWGD aka What Would Google Do? Learn the launch strategy Google use for Gmail  products and use it for your podcast. 

Are Your Prepared for the Journey? – Week 3Get the 10,000 foot view of podcasting and why NOW is the time to stake your claim. 

The Four Pillars of Podcasting (4 Things You Need To Know) – Week 2 Understand the Podcast Listener Buying Cycle™ and why it’s critical to the success of your podcast. 

Authority, Leads & Relationships: The Podcast Business Strategy – Week 1What is podcasting and how it can explode your business?


Have questions on equipment? Tell us below in the comments.